Monday, March 11, 2013

On Annoyances.

1. High heel wedge sneakers.

I get the high heel. I get the wedge. I get the sneaker. I like all three elements, but when put together they are so hideous to me - on par with blasted out Uggs (you know these: salt stained, grease spots, slouchy leg. Probably shufflin' along because when you wear Uggs, you are forced to shuffle). Even Marc Jacobs can't pull this look off. And Marc Jacobs is the coolest! He recently wore silk pajamas to his own show at Fashion Week in Paris. 

2. Trying to unsubscribe.

I've been trying to unsubscribe from a bunch of lists. Every morning I check my inbox and it's just chaos. Madness in the form of deals, alerts, summaries and newsletters for places and things I don't care about. Some of these lists I've been on for
years. I've clicked on the subscribe, I've replied with the stern, all caps requests "UNSUBSCRIBE ME PLEASE." But they don't stop! I get an email from this website called Active. They tell me about fun runs (it's essentially always and only about fun runs) in Iowa City...where I went to college...over ten years ago. 

My boyfriend has an immaculate inbox. Everything is archived or deleted almost immediately. He never has more than maybe six emails at a time. Right now, I have an inbox of 6,416 emails. They have all been seen by me, but sometimes in the morning or when I'm multitasking, I'll click on one of these list emails and forget to delete them. So they are there - lurking and clogging up my inbox, dragging me down in a spiral of President's Day sales, percentages off and daily deals. 

3. Winter blues.

I have them right now, bad. I think everyone has dealt with some form of anxiety, depression or general mehs before, and I'm in the thick of that feeling. Each day I look out over what I have to do and nothing really thrills me. I'm tired before I get up, I'm uninspired, I'm crabby.

This isn't freaking me out much - this happens around winter time for me (usually in the slushiest of weeks I'm also dealing with grant deadlines and looming events to plan) so I'm not terribly concerned or thinking about calling up the old therapist and scheduling an appointment. But I am tired of it. The task avoidance with a smidge of isolation means I feel like a weirdo who naps too frequently.